Do you send cards for Halloween?

 In Cards, DIY, Handmade Cards, Watercolour

Sometimes people I meet say, “So, what do you do?”

This is when I make that weird show-all-of-your-teeth-emoji-face. I never know what to say??!

‘Crafter’ doesn’t seem like an actual job. Or it means you make stuff and sell it (that rarely happens)

‘YouTuber’ sounds so millennial. ‘Creative spokesperson’ is what Crafter’s calls me. That has a nice ring. I could say I’m in TV, but that just opens a whole can of worms. ‘Reporter’ used to be pretty self explanatory.

Now, I feel like my job is actually a long list of things…maybe creatives will relate to.

I’m photographer, cameraman, on-air talent, writer, marketing manager, social media coordinator, human resources, chief financial officer (for which I’m failing at), office manager – ie. the person who fills the printer with paper and ink. I’m the janitor, project manager, designer, gopher, travel agent…..(i’m sooooooo tired!) It’s just so much for a single job description.

This one little halloween card post consists of so many more steps than just colouring and making the cute card. Although that is my favourite part. So much goes in to all of this ‘content creation.’ So maybe ‘Crafter’ should be my job title, because that IS my favourite part. Lucky to be a Crafter.

Card coloured with:

Stamp is Trick-or-Treat by Simon Says Stamp:

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