Laundry Stripping
Get ready to be grossed out. In kind of a good way…
I’ve stripped almost everything textile in the house! And here to tell you how it went.
Here’s what you need:
- Clean Clothes
- Powdered Laundry Detergent
- Borax
- Washing Soda
For a Soaker tub use
- 1 CUP – Powdered Laundry Detergent
- 1/2 CUP Borax
- 1/2 CUP Washing Soda
For Standard Bath or Laundry Tub
- 1/2 CUP – Powdered Laundry Detergent
- 1/4 CUP Borax
- 1/4 CUP Washing Soda
Steps & Tips:
- Fill tub with Hot tap water and add all detergents
- use back end of broom to stir it up
- submerge clothes – (I sorted them by colour.
- Soak for min 4 hours. Check and stir every hour
- After 4 hours, ring out the clothes and wash in washing machine NO SOAP.
- Stare at the disgusting water that’s left!
- Water turns grey almost immediately after clothes are submerged
- Your hands will feel very sticky after handling the clothes (even after washing them, for a few days)
- Dark clothes water seemed to get very black, perhaps from dye seeping out, however any dark clothing that had white trim or ties didn’t get ruined.
- Grimiest was jeans, leggings and cotton T-Shirts.
- 2nd grimiest was dish cloths, towels & oven mitts.
- There is a bit of a smell. (ya, it’s gross, not super bad, but we opened the windows)
Before/After Photos
The tubs started out like this each time:
After 4 hours light towels
After 4 hours of soaking Darks – Leggings, T-Shirts, Sweat Shirts
- softer clothes
- darks appear darker
- some whites appeared whiter
- didn’t remove stains
- clothes felt lighter
- less stiff when wearing (especially jeans)
- all laundry smelled SUPER fresh, even though no soap was used in the final wash.
Laundry stripping while technically time consuming, it will take you a few days to get through everything. However, you really can just set it and forget it, stirring it up a few times throughout the process. You will have a giant mound of folding to do after. I could see doing this once a year.
I’ll let you know next year if the water is less disgusting!