Back to School Mask Making
Are you ready for back to school?
The hottest back to school item this year is masks! At least around here…you gotta wear them! Check out how to make a Buff Style mask in this video.
The most important accessory this year for the kids are masks. Today on The Morning Show we made Buff Style Masks
Here is an easy, quick and inexpensive way to make a buff style mask. Bonus, you get to declutter the kids closets by using their old t-shirts that they have outgrown.
First grab a bunch of old shirts.
Simply cut off both arms with a rotary cutter.
Cut the body of the t-shirt in half, this will give you two buffs per child’s t-shirt and two buffs for an adult size shirt. Or you can measure, typically about 8-9 inches across fits most.
Using one half, flip the fabric so right sides are together. Serge along both long edges. I’m using the Janome FA4 Serger. This a workhorse machine perfect for knits. It’s going to be on sale Sept 2, 2020 on The Shopping Channel in Canada. Or check with your local Janome Dealer.
Next, turn the buff right side out, half way down so it’s half the size and the insides face each other. This makes a channel for the filter.
Insert toward the top of the buff, so it’s trapped between the layers, and positioned where it will be in front of the face.
Voila! So quick, so easy! It is super comfy for the kids as there are no elastics behind the ear,
and they, fingers crossed, won’t loose their mask as they can simply pull it down when they need to.
Stay Safe – and Stylish Everyone!