Halloween Wrapper Upcycle

 In Sewing, Tutorials, Videos

Hard to tell which is the candy and which is the wrappers-turned purse, pouch & carry all.  Aren’t these just the Cutest! And an awesome way to save all that Halloween garbage from the landfill!

Here’s what you need: (scroll down for the full VIDEO TUTORIAL)


First step, eat the candy! Then trim the wrappers.

Cut 2 pieces of fusible vinyl and two pieces of fabric (for lining) the same size as the 2 wrapper pieces. 

how to make a zippered pouch

You can collage all of your small Halloween wrappers into one colourful piece!

Place the vinyl, sticky side down onto the candy wrapper, then lightly press with an iron (on the lowest setting).  Repeat for both sides.  To avoid melting the plastic and have the edges curl up, I placed a piece of paper over the wrapper so the iron was not too hot for the plastic. I also didn’t need to iron the candy wrappers that were totally plastic, like the skittles and M&Ms, those wrappers stuck to the vinyl fuse just fine. 

How to make a zippered pouch

How to upcycle candy wrappers

Check out this tutorial for how to sew it all together.

ICYMI! I made these on the The Morning Show with Carolyn MacKenzie & Jeff McArthur, Check it out! HERE!



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